Friday, December 25, 2009

X mas Eve 2009

we had a row yesterday,, again!
but today as he promised to me Santa Claus's coming,,

firstly he came to repaired my cable antenna
but there's some trouble,,
then I complained i can't see TV on Xmas eve,,

then suddenly he put outside two cans of A&W, Cadbury dairy milk assortment,, and Perahu Kertas with its ribbon,, and also nail clipper
He said those were my x mas gift,,

I really surprised,,
two nights before I asked him to warned Santa Clause for giving me a great surprise
And he did it well,,

thank you Rizka,,

(to those who celebrate)

these are the photo how we celebrate x mas eve 2009

Honey, thank you for cheering me up,,

p.s : i'm wearing my new outer

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


it means i'm alone in my room and no one here,,
but sure i enjoyed it!

These're my sets on polyvore,,

and today i was happy because i got 3 outer and 1 t-top,,
i got 4 items for just 83.000 IDR

in memoriam Brittany Murphy

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Young On Top

Just wanna show up,,

the pictures of me,, Rizka,, and the new book with its author's signature

yappp,, Billy Boen was here on POSTER 2009 PASSION,,
he inspired us much,,

he wrote on the book "Young On Top"
"Dear Irin,
Dream big is try to achieve it
Hope to see you ON TOP!"
Billy Boen
10 Des 2009

I'll never be satisfied until I reach all of my dream

great committee of POSTER 2009 PASSION

here's the tagline of POSTER,,

"The real passion ts to take action to be
proactive, professional, and creative
The real passion is here
Passion is all about us"

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Janji untuk Positif

Mind power atau apalah itu,,
bahasa ilmiahnya gue ngga' paham,,
tapi gue berusaha nerapin hal itu,,
mungkin lebih sederhananya disebut positive thinking,,

Gue orang yang gampang panik,, suka parno,, dan suka membesar-besarkan masalah
dan sekarang (dengan dibantu Yulviana Gitria Putri) gue berjanji untuk menerapkan positive thinking,,

Gue yakin gue bisa nerapin apa itu mind power dalam diri gue sendiri,,

seperti hari ini,, gw jadi PJ Materi,,

"Gue yakin POSTER hari ini akan berjalan lancar,,
komunikasi antar divisinya berjalan lancar,,
Pak Agus sama Pak Rachman bisa dateng tepat waktu,,
Materi yang disampein nyampe ke peserta POSTER
dan hari ini akan menjadi hari yang menyenangkan untuk semuanya!"


See, gue berusaha menghilangkan kata "nggak" dalam kalimat tadi,, karena Yulvi sama JT bilang kalo kata "nggak" seperti "hari ini Poster nggak akan ada masalah" justru bakal nimbulin efek sebaliknya di kepala kita,, kita bakal mikirin sisi negatifnya mulu,,

Semangat semuanya,, positive thinking selalu,,

P.S: Akan ada pak Djalaludin Rakhmat di Poster Passion 2009,, dia juga bakalan sedikit berbagi tentang mind power