-humphh,, senang membuatnya cemburu,, dan lebih senang lagi saat aku bersamamu-
Called me filthy or whatever,, but sure,, i know we're both enjoy each other
it's not 'feel' that they called love,, it's about ours,,
i want you always be there when I want you,, but I realize that you are hers,,
it doesn't hurt me,, it makes me want you more
it's not 'feel' that they called love,, it's about ours,,
i want you always be there when I want you,, but I realize that you are hers,,
it doesn't hurt me,, it makes me want you more
blog mu rin kayaknya berisi tumpahan perasaan, haha.. blog ku udah pindah rin...coba baca tulisan2ku haha
ga bOleh rinn
inii aWaL dr rasa yg mereka sebut " cinta "
so becarefuLL darLing...
g bOleh..
g bOlehh..
kasiann cewenyy taww...
want him moRE?
knp sLaLu bgitu iRin..
dr dLu..
masaLahny sLalu bgini...