Monday, September 21, 2009

Newbie of My Family

That was a picture of the new baby born. Dia lahir kemarin(200909),, jam 22.47 malam melalui operasi caesar. His weight is 4,3kgs. He's a big baby.
There's a story behind his born. My aunt still childish,, she was angry to everybody one day before Lebaran because her baby didn't come out. Malem harinya, air ketuban tante pecah tanpa ia sadari. Dan keesokannya setelah solat ied dan ramah tamah keluarga, tante ipar gw yang seorang bidan meriksa tante gw. Setelah ketahuan permasalahan air ketuban yang pecah duluan, tante, suaminya dan eyang putri gw pergi k RS sekitar jam setengah satu. Mulai itu sampai malem si baby g keluar-keluar. Akhirnya jam 9an diputuskan caesar. Then he born at 10.47 pm.
He should named Attariq Fathir Rahmansyah,, but his parent didn't make decision yet. He's so pure,, flawless and he was born at the flawless day.
Welcome to the world, 'lil bro!
Welcome to the happiest family I've ever known,,

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