Sunday, June 5, 2011

#1 Hiara and Fabian : A Joke

Malam ini, suasana kantor sudah sepi. Beberapa lampu ruangan sudah mati. Hanya lampu di kubik Hiara dan Fabi yang masih menyala. Mereka berdua masih berkutat dengan layar komputer flat didepan mata mereka. Deadline presentasi mereka jam sembilan pagi dengan klien besar pertama yang mereka tangani berdua.
Fabian dan Hiara, mereka teman dekat sejak lama. Duet cerdas. Sejak kuliah selalu satu kelas, satu UKM, satu himpunan mahasiswa, satu dosen pembimbing, satu sidang kompre, satu sidang skripsi, wisuda bersama, hingga satu kantor dan kini mereka berdua tergabung dalam satu tim untuk menangani klien utama untuk advertising agency tempat mereka bekerja. They’re partner in crime. Yang satu cantik menarik tapi tomboi dan yang satu lagi tampan tapi cacat mental.
Hiara menghela nafas, ia lalu menarik mundur kursinya dari meja komputer dan meregangkan badannya. Ia memutar kursi dan beranjak menuju kaca. Hamparan pencakar langit di depan matanya. City light membuatnya tersenyum senang.

sumber : 
“Cape ya!” Fabi ikut menarik mundur kursinya.
Hia tersenyum,”mau gue bikinin kopi ga?”
“Boleh… bagian Lo udah kelar belum?”
Done! Bentar ya gue bikin kopi dulu abis itu kita diskusiin lagi.” Hiara berjalan menuju pantry kecil di lantainya. Hiara membuat dua cangkir kopi hitam dengan air panas dari dispenser. Ia kembali berjalan hati-hati menuju kubiknya.
“Gue juga udah, gue share ke folder lo ya,” kata Fabi seraya beranjak dan menarik kursinya ke kubik Hiara. Lalu mereka duduk berdua menyeruput kopi buatan Hiara seraya menatap layar komputer.
“Keknya acara ini ga cocok, rate-nya biasa aja. Sempet tinggi emang tapi kaya’nya bukan karena acaranya. Di minggu-minggu pertama doang acara ini melambung. Pas gue cek, bintang tamunya band yang dari Korea itu. Timing-nya pas, sama konser band Korea itu makanya penontonya banyak,” Hiara memulai diskusi.
“Hmm.. terus penggantinya?” tanya Fabian.
“Gue masukin ke acara lain. Pas tadi gue liat profil acara-acara, di acara yang ini,” seraya menunjuk satu bagian yang highlight pink,” dia mulai masukin unsur-unsur K-Pop diacaranya. Review drama seri, musik, sampe beberapa gossip artis-artis Korea. Jadi menurut gue kalo porsinya ditambah lebih bagus. Kalo bisa sebelum dan sesudah Korean session-nya.”
“Get it. Bagian gue keknya ga ada perubahan. Poin-poin utamanya masih sama kaya’ yang tadi siang kita bahas sama Mba Vina. Brand ambassador udah cocok sama event udah pas.”
“So now we can get some rests…” Hiara tersenyum.
“At least, lima jam dari sekarang. Mba Vina minta rapat lagi jam tujuh.”
“Lo balik?”
“Nope! Gue tidur ajalah di mushola. Gue ada baju di loker.”
“Haha… eh sekarang jam berapa sih?” tanya Hiara.
“Jam satu lebih sepuluh,” jawab Fabian seraya melepas jam tangannya lalu beranjak menuju kamar mandi,” gue ke toilet dulu ya mau nyegerin muka.”
Hiara mengangguk, ia lalu menyimpan file presentasi dan file data dalam satu folder di desktop dan menyimpannya ke dalam flash disk. Ia tersenyum melihat kalender, ia merapihkan semua barang-barang yang ada di meja kerjanya. Note, pensil, spidol, stabilo, netbook dan kotak make-upnya dimasukkan ke dalam tas. Hia melepas blazernya, meletakkannya di atas tasnya.
“Mau balik?” tanya Fabi.
Hiara mengangguk, ia membungkuk ke bawah meja kerjanya seraya mematikan terminal listriknya dan melepas beberapa charger dari terminal lalu dimasukkan ke dalam laci.“Lo, seriusan ngga’ balik?”
Fabi menyalakan Itunes-nya,”ngga’, lagi males, hehe.” Ia memutar lagu Adele.
Make you feel my love. Hiara terdiam sebentar lalu bertanya,”suka lagu ini? Dalem ya?”
“Hah?” Fabian menggaruk-garuk kepalanya,”dari temen, buat pengantar tidur aja biar gue ngantuk hehe.”
“Payah, Lo!” Hiara menghabiskan sisa kopi dicangkirnya,”Bi….”
“I used to love you before….”
Fabi kaget, spontan ia menoleh ke arah Hiara. Hiara menatapnya lekat-lekat dan mengangguk,”Yea, I used to before…. Before my boyfriend now…. You know, so tired to wait for nothing. You’re so close to me but I can’t reach you…. Every girl around me always falls in love with you. Even you don’t, but still you never see me more than just a friend. But now, I’m glad… I love him.”
Fabi masih diam kaget, tidak percaya. Ia tidak tahu harus merespon apa. Hiara lanjut berbicara,”Like this song, it was so painful…. But, I grown up.” Hiara tersenyum lalu membawa tas dan blazernya mendekati Fabi. Ia menatap Fabi lekat-lekat.
“Gue… gue ga tau apa-apa… gue ga tau mesti ngomong apa.” Fabi salah tingkah.
Hiara tersenyum,”Gotcha!” lalu ia berteriak,”Surprise!”
Tiba-tiba semua lampu kantor menyala terang. Dan segerombolan orang datang dari arah belakang Fabi dan membawa sebuah tart seraya menyanyikan lagu ulang tahun. Fabi menoleh ke arah belakang lalu kembali menatap Hiara. Ia masih bingung.
sumber :
Hiara tersenyum jahil lalu ikut menyanyikan lagu ulang tahun untuk Fabi,”tiup lilinnya dong!”
Fabi masih shock dengan kata-kata Hiara. Lalu semua orang menyuruhnya untuk make a wish dan meniup lilin. Fabi menurut, berdoa lalu meniup lilinnya.
Semua orang bertepuk tangan, Edith lalu memberikan pisau cake pada Fabi. Fabi menerimanya dengan lunglai, ia masih menatap Hiara untuk memastikan apa yang ia katakana benar atau salah.
“Potong kuenya potong kuenya sekarang juga sekarang juga,” semua menyanyikan lagu ini termasuk Hiara yang juga masih menatap Fabi. Hiara berbisik,”it was just a joke!”
Fabi mengangguk lalu memotong kuenya,” Makasih ya semuanya, rela nunggu tengah malem buat ngasih surprise buat gue. First cake-nya buat…,” Fabi menatap ke sekelilingnya mencari siapa orang yang pantas untuk first cake-nya,” buat Ara aja deh, makasi ya Ara, udah jadi partner yang keren dari kuliah sampe kerja.”
Hiara tersenyum lalu menerima potongan kuenya dan mengucapkan,”thanks.”
Fabi memotong-motong kuenya untuk dibagikan ke semua orang yang ada di kantor lalu membagikannya satu persatu.
“Eh sori ya, gue mesti balik dulu nih…. Almost 2 AM, anyway, makasi ya semuanya, Fabian, selamat tambah tua ya…” kata Hiara.
“Yah kok balik sih?” tanya Edith.
“Iya, ngga’ seru lo!” sahut Fabi singkat.
“Dih, I should back!” kali ini Hiara benar-benar mengangkat tas dan blazernya untuk pulang.
“Ati-ati ya, Jeng!” kata Fayya seraya bercepika-cepiki dengan Hiara. Hiara lanjut bercepika-cepiki dengan yang lainnya lalu keluar dari ruangan itu.
Fabi menatap Hiara yang pergi. But, I still in love with you. From the first time we met…. I have no enough courage to tell you…. I wish it not just a joke. Every stupid things I did just to get your attention. How pity I am?
“Ara, jangan lupa besok jam tujuh pagi!” Fabi mengingatkan.
Hiara menoleh ke belakang lalu menganggung dan tersenyum. Ia berjalan menuju lift. Ia masuk ke dalam lift lalu menahan pintu lift-nya berharap ada yang mencegahnya pulang.
It wasn’t a joke. How pathetic I am? I still have those butterfly feelings with you. Since, we became so close, in one class, one organization, and now one office. Since you’re acting like a crazy child to me. But having Banyu is more than enough. But at least, I confessed it to you. Since now on, I can feel freer.
Hingga akhirnya pintu lift itu tertutup, tak ada seorang pun yang ada. Hiara menghembuskan nafas dengan berat. Ia lalu tersenyum, ikhlas.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Hey my little brother

It should be hard living just two of you there...
I'm sorry.. I try to done it fast as I can
So you two, aren't bothering about how to struggle with a little money there

Hey my little brother,
I know you act like you never care... but you're so sensitive inside
I'm going away from you and Mom to get the best for our family...
To get what's our family deserve..
Don't bother about how you and mom live tomorrow... how your college tomorrow..
It's my job...
You just need to be serious in school
Be a best as you can do and me too here
Be patient ya... I'm not smart as you, I need more little time again..

I Love You, Mom and Fikri and also Echa

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Looklet Hijab Set

It is some sets that I've made with hijab :

checkout my looklet ID : irintsukino

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Today's Pray

Dear Allah, please stays close with us. give us Your direction. We are nothing without You.
Give us Your light when we're blinded in the dark, and send us the dark when we're blinded by the sunlight.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Martabak Manis 2011

The theme of Martabak Manis in this year is Island of Paraadise .

What is Martabak Manis? Martabak Manis is a gathering of a Management Communication big family.. for students.. alumnus.. lecture.. 
 Last weekend, we first gathered in Pangdam then went to Lebak Tjawene together by bus.
These are our pictures, especially Mankom 2007 pictures from Yulvi's camera :
DAY 1 :
the people of 2007 who's coming that night

the people of 2007's girls who's stay in cottage

some of 2007's girls and 2008's girls
at the yard

Lecture's performance by Pak ilham and Pak Kunto, they performed Iwa K's song "Bebas". Pak Ilham is our best rapper ;p.

Bibilintik's performance

The 2008 Dancer *sorry I forgot the name :
Firstly the three of them sang "Lady Marmalade" and wow.. they sang gracefully and then they dance :

DAY 2 :
Morning beauty class by Astrid and Legia

our room

Morning photo session :)

after breakfast

Strida and Alvin... Alvin sang Korean's song for Strida, and she recorded it :) so sweet
Sis Nita and Reinhard. Business couple hoho.. She said that after 2 years relationship she's still feeling "gemes" to him everyday :) 

Sadly, I didn't come with my bebo :(
The day first was greatly done. Even if in my opinion,  the show wasn't very good. It's too resemble with last year Martabak Manis. The people who came to Marman this year is more less than last year. Moreover there's no agenda in 2nd day.. we're really bored.
But me personally, very happy. After long time no see each other we met again in there and doing much fun.
Thanks to the committee of Martabak Manis 2011

Friday, April 1, 2011


I know.. it's morning already 1.35 AM. But I still can't sleep. I have 'jogging date' in the 6 AM and I hope I can keep my promise. 

It's about my thesis! That's why these several day I have insomnia...

From beginning I said to myself, you should make it with your interest topic, and then I did it on my seminar. I made it with the title "Creative Processes in the Production of Website Fashionesedaily" using media ethnography method.
I really have a big passion in fashion, that's why I choose it. Then I met the founder of The Daily Media, a company who held Fashionese Daily(FD) and also the Editor of FD. But unfortunately, they can't help me. And then I called (And it means I broke my promise to myself to make my thesis with fashion topic) . My proposal is in processes to be accepted or rejected. May be on next Monday I'll call them again to follow up. 
I'm now on my pessimistic point, I have no idea for my thesis. I thought over and over again.. how to solve this problem.  My Mom asked me to done my undergraduate study on this midyear. Then my dad asked me the same demand. Yes I called it demand. It's just three months again to done it and I have nothing on my hand :(

Oh God, I need your guidance.. please help me... I want my undergraduate study finish soon. I know my Dad need more money to finance my brother. He'll be on undergraduate study this year. I believe in You, God..
I just need to pray, Detik accept my proposal or make a new thesis proposal and after that I need to move fast. Please help me to make a miracle happen. I trust You.. Amiin

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Shocking Blue

what i wore : 
unbranded cardigan, tailor made long skirt as dress, legging, beaded belt, beaded ring, snake skinned bag, and Adidas sneakers.

Spontaneous Vacation: Yogyakarta

That was spontaneous vacation. When I arrived on Nangor, I said what if we go to Yogya in this weekend. And he said yes... so without much prepare we  were leaving to Yogyakarta at Thursday Nite.
We're using Kahuripan Economy Train for only Rp24.000/seat, that is his challenge to me. He said I always use executive class. And I said yes I would love to economy class when I remembered we don't have much money to spend.

We're start from Kiaracondong Station, we should buy the ticket at least on hour before departure. And when we arrived at the station, ticket scalper went up on us and offered us some tickets. he said the ticket with seat had sold out and if we buy from the counter will seat on the floor. And I said to Bebo "No, better we try first, and as if we don't get a seat, I don't want to buy from him, that's hurt my prestige. I better seat on the train's floor. I don't want to give him money." And Bebo had the same opinion with me.

So we just buy from the counter and Bebo queued from half to six and we got the ticket about six pass twenty minute. I'm happy...  I knew maybe that is only way they know to get the money, but why they did it   to lower class people to the same person with them, it's cruel. I hate it!

The train came to Kiaracondong Station about 08.30 pm and arrived at Lempuyangan Station, Yogyakarta in Friday morning. I felt the breeze fresher than Jakarta or Jatinangor. We walked to reach Trans Yogya Shelter,  that was quit far but I thought it the best way to enjoy Yogyakarta morning than we called 'ojeg'. I didn't remember the exactly price of the ticket but I thought it's about Rp2500 to Rp3500. 

At that Friday, we went to Ullen Sentalu Museum at Kaliurang near the Merapi but we were late so we just go to some Teh Poci store and enjoy the Teh Poci with lump sugar until night. And about 10 pm or more we went to Angkringan to eat Gudeg. Sadly, I didn't like that food. The taste too sweet too me, It's not bad of course. So many people love gudeg, I'm only the exception :).

On Saturday, we went to Ullen Sentalu Museum Again, the ticket is Rp35.000 but you can get discount if you show your student ID. We prohibitted to take of picture in the museum. We just can get outside the museum. And after the museum trip we got herb drink.

After Ullen Sentalu we continued to... hmm.. I forgot the name.. it must be Telaga or something. But we didn't enter. We just ate Jadah Tempe. It's Tempe bacem with Jadah made from Ketan. It's nice snack, the bacem is sweet and the jadah is salty.

And then we continued again to Taman sari, unfortunately, again and again we're late. Tamansari is close on 4pm. So we just took picture outside Tamansari.

At the night we went to House of Raminten. It is Restaurant with strong Yogyakarta nuance. But some people said most of the waiter is h**o. May it just rumor or truth, whatever. 

On Sunday, we (just me and bebo) went to Malioboro street and Taman Pintar, we were looking for thesis but we got nothing. At Malioboro I bought bag, sandal and Malioboro shirt. They're cheap if you can bargain smartly :). And we tried Artemy Gelato, that's very nice.
At the nite we watched football match on Gubug Cafe.

And last day, Monday we didn't go anywhere just to prepared everything to back home. We back home with executive buss hohoho... 

PS. thank you to Vicky and her boyfriend, Jokum; Eki; Ateng; Menceng; Wisnu; and Tupir. And of course my Bebo. i'm not just happy anymore... I'm GLAD :))

Monday, January 17, 2011

Long Time No Post, this is story about how I miss My Class

It's been a long time ago..
When things get rushed... I've no time to write again.. maybe sometimes i have a little time
but I should spend it with people around me...

This is last phase of my campus time..
I'll miss my classmate.. study w/ them.. or just have a chit chat...
this people from class B of Management Communication 2007, I'll mention it one by one :

  1. Adjie Widyawan (Head Class of Mankom B)
  2. Astrid Daniati
  3. Raisa Nurul (always be my classmate from the first time)
  4. Cynthia Dwiyana
  5. Kinanti Desyva
  6. Lugaz Priya
  7. Nurul Ayudia
  8. Paramitha Ayu Palupi
  9. Qisthina Chairani
  10. Fury Setiawati
  11. Afrizal
  12. Rahmat Hidayat
  13. Erga Arlingga
  14. Zaki A. Muhsy
  15. Kartika Putri
  16. Attiina Restillahia
  17. Hegar Chataling
  18. Anita Noor Aprilia
  19. Amaliyah Hidayah
  20. Tri Ramadhani
  21. Aditama Gunawan
  22. Adreani Fitria Tamara
  23. Nanda Ayu
  24. Yulviana Gitria Putri
  25. Aji Hendratmojo
  26. Arnie Mellawatie
  27. Intan Permata Asih
  28. Andri Safari
  29. R. Yogie Prawira

They're such a great people who've been accompany me through this 2 years and more..
I miss that class since last semester when we've started our class separately by our concentration
I remember how we yell each other.. how we called "engkong 76", "kucluk","bundo","jigon"*even he has a short haircut now*,"tiche", "Lugaz priyakah?", "Mojo", "Burubah","fesyenebel","pipin","bangkum"...
I remember how we hate MTV subject... and some of our lectures.. Mr. A to Z.. how we yell him behind
or when we flattered Mrs. R, she's so funny.. how we alternately skip her class...
Such a great things we have... we ran we fell we stood up again...

there always be a many stories to tell when we meet again someday...
we have ours family... child... successful job... and our dreams come true...