Thursday, October 29, 2009

Quote of the Day

"Gw ga' perlu jadi Lintang dengan segala kejeniusannya,, tapi gw mau jadi Ikal yang bisa wujudin impiannya bahkan impian sahabatnya,,"

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Kompleksitas dalam Kesederhanaan

Ini semua berawal dari curi-curi obrolan waktu lokakarya POSTER 2009 bareng Yulvi.
Jadi, gw share pendapat tentang Rian yang lagi ngomong ngejawab pertanyaan senior di Lokakarya 2009. Kurang lebih begini percakapan gue sama Yulvi,,

Yulvi : Ni orang keliatannya hedon tapi setiap ada kegiatan, setiap ada apa-apa selalu dia yang berdiri di tengah-tengah dan ngasih penjelasan. Sedangkan gue cuma bisa diem g komentar apa-apa cuma bisa bilang iya-iya aja
Gue : Dia calon orang sukses Yulvi!
Yulvi manggut-manggut.
Gue : gue mungkin g seaktif mereka,, gue g sengerti mereka. Tapi gue yakin gue bisa sukses! dengan cara gue sendiri tentunya,,
Yulvi : Iya setiap orang juga pasti punya cara sendiri untuk sukses. Gue juga, mungkin bukan dijalan mereka gue bakal sukses, sekarang mungkin gw belum nemuin jalan yang cocok. Tapi mungkin ntar, dan lebih pada keyakinan gw saat gw ngelakuin apa yang gw pilih gw bakalan sukses,,
Gue : (ngangguk) sebenernya impian gue simple banget Yulvi,, gue pengen punya butik dari hasil karya-karya gue, dan orang suka,, puass,, make' apa yang gue bikin,, dan gue ngga' peduli gimana lainnya..

Then,,, Yulvi bilang bahwa tanpa kita sadari, suatu hal yang kompleks itu berasal dari hal-hal yang sederhana.
Kalo dipikir lagi emang iya sih, sama kaya' gue bilang impian gue sederhana. Gue pengen jadi owner butik. Tapi yang gue lakuin kompleks banget sampe' gue masuk FIKOM. Padahal gampang aja, gue tinggal masuk ESMOD atau La Salle College aja trus gue bikin butik deh. Gue justru ambil jalan muter buat meraih impian gue.
Gue sempet baca bahwa sebenernya sesuatu yang sederhana itu punya kerumitannya sendiri, baik dari struktur, sistem, siklus, bentuk dan lain sebagainya. Tapi karena hal yang kompleks itu disajikan dengan sesuatu yang tidak membingungkan,, akhirnya muncul konsep sederhana.
Sama kaya' lo liat matahari yang tiap pagi terbit di timur terus tenggelam di barat,, kalo diliat pake' mata telanjang simple banget. Tapi kalo lo teliti lebih dalem,, sistem yang bikin kejadian itu kompleks banget. Mulai dari rotasi bumi,, sampe' revolusi bumi ngelilingin matahari,,

Dan sekarang gw percaya, setiap masalah kompleks yang ada,, bisa jadi sebenernya sederhana. Yang gue perlu laku'in adalah melihatnya dari berbagai sudut pandang,, dan kalo hal yang rumit bisa jadi sederhana kenapa kita mesti bikin yang sederhana jadi rumit?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Introducing KJ 21

Tanggal 26 Oktober kemarin diadakan acara dalam rangka Dies Natalies Fikom Unpad. Kegiatannya berupa jalan sehat plus perkenalan dari Hima2 dan UKM2 yg ada di Fikom. KJ 21 salah satunya ^^
it's a pleasure being there with those childs

Apa itu KJ 21???

Kelompok Jatinangor 21 (KJ 21) adalah nama kelompok adik asuh yang sejarah berdirinya diawali dari kelompok KKN Fikom Unpad taun 1998 di desa Cikeruh Jatinangor Sumedang.
Sekarang KJ 21 menjadi UKM yang beranggotakan anak-anak Fikom. Anak-anak asuh KJ 21 sendiri berasal dari sekolah-sekolah yang berada di sekitaran Jatinangor. Program yang KJ 21 lakukan antara lain membiayai kebutuhan sekolah anak-anak asuh, mengadakan pertemuan rutin Minggu Ceria bersama anak-anak asuh minimal sebulan sekali, serta mengadakan acara besar setahun sekali kita akan melakukan darmawisata ke tempat-tempat tertentu.

ada yang tertarik jadi donatur???
join group kami di facebook ya : Kelompok Jatinangor 21

Saturday Night

this is the picture of our last sat' dinner on Niagara..
the menu was :
Me : Baby Sharks and Hot Capuccino
Rizka : Fly fish and Hot Lemon Tea

and we satisfied with our dish that nite,, ^^

Saturday, October 24, 2009

It's Friday!

i look slim on this photo ^^
hmm,, yesterday i got the jackpot! (Again) I had an opening presentation! Pffiuh,, I'm clueless,,

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

We love Mustard and LIFT Reunion

It was the picture of me and Acid. Today we were wearing clothes that colored mustard and black,,

Today Adi, Laras's boyfriend come to Bandung,, and we all line up at my room,, I hope it gonna be a great night,, 
There will be Me, Tyas, Laras, Fillen, Adi and Rizka,,

Monday, October 19, 2009

Spring VS Choki choki Strawberry

This was my outfit today.. I'm wearing my new brown outer, i bought that outer @ BTC last Saturday with Nova and Gigit. Nova had the same outer with pale grey color. This outfit's color looks like Choki-choki Strawberry ^^

sure it was 15-10-2009, but I love this outfit,, the shirt looks like springtime,, the roses blossom everytime. This is first time I tucked my shirt to my jeans and the result wasn't bad,, I thought I can get dressed this way again,,

Okay good night everybody,, tommorow I'll have ASI quiz,,

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Late Birthday Present

There are some pictures I took yesterday. It was a perfect day! After long time, I taste soursally again! And I met a really handsome little boy who stared at me and smile. Hihi such a cute little boy,, I thought I wanted to kidnap him and brought him back home. I really fall in love at the first sight with this boy! Haha,,

And at late night Rizka came in and gave me a present. It was digital photo frame,, hihi sure I'm glad

Thank you, Honey,,

Saturday, October 17, 2009

my childhood

If somebody asked me,"If you could comeback to past, where and when would you go?" and I'll answer,"Something in the past to me just called memories,, it will be special if we just can reach them again in our imagination,, so I won't back!" and when somebody asked me"what the best part of my life?" Sure I'll answer,"everyday is the best part of my life, when i'm glad, i'm fall, then I get up,, "

But i have a moment that i really never forget it in the past. In early 90's, it just three of us, me, Mom and Dad,, we were in Sydney. Everything wasn't just fine but perfect! We're happy family,, and then I've got my baby brother named Ahmad Reza Zulfi there,, I have my parent completely home,, and here are some pictures from my childhood,, but it wasn't in Sydney,, I'm not scan it yet but those photos can show me how lucky I am,,


me and mom in her graduation

me and and grand ma

me and dad

Friday, October 16, 2009

Congrats to Imanuelia Kristi

Today is Welcoming Party for Mankom '08 students,,
Konsep Welcoming Party kali ini agak beda,, khususnya buat pemilihan ketua angkatan 2008nya,, we gave them time to debate candidate so they had more clues about their candidate,,
Then,, tarampampa,, Imanuelia Kristi voted as Ketua Angkatan Mankom 2008,, congrats ya my sista,, she's my junior on KJ21,, ^^
As usual, Ketua Angkatan Mankom get their accesories and she must wear it for seven days,, here the pictures

Lia (Ketua Angkt 08) and Legia (ketua Angkt o7)
Congrats for Imanuelia Kristi,, we all hope you can bring Mankom be a better than yesterday especially for 2008

Debate between Lucky, Lia, and Rendy 'Abah'

me with statement headband for Ketua Angkatan

before coronation,, i took some pictures with this headband,, and sadly Rizka told me like ondel-ondel :(

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Thinking About Peaceful Life

Thinking about peaceful life,, it must be,,

i am sitting on my backyard watching to the Iceland sky,, enjoying the view of aurora,, i don't need to worry about everything,, 'cause I'm having all those thing I need

Someday, I'll be there watching for the Iceland sky,, Amien

The Game

Ok, if it's just a game,, I'm in it,, I'll be hold out then win,,

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

When I just go to bed,,

i hate your recent activities,, it's like you have your own world and I can't touch it,, i'm not the part of it,,
i knew that you've explained me well,, but it didn't make me feel better,,
everything just messed up in my head

i think i need to go,, maybe this weekend i want to go to Bandung by myself,,
i need to be alone,,

PS : i'm already miss you

Tunjukan Merahmu!

today I'm wearing::
red silk shirt
black veil
DIY necklace
black washed jeans
paisley bag
black bow shoes

Everybody's said I'm so bright with this shirt ^^
happy to hear my friend praise my DIY necklace,,

Saturday, October 10, 2009

A New Dress from My Mom's Skirt

On August I said I wanted to makeover my Mom's skirt became a dress. And this is the picture of my dress,,

I already wear the dress twice,, first when I have break-fasting at Sency and then I wore this to Sister Nura's wedding,,,

My Fav Dish

Talking about dish,, i have some favorite dish like ,,Tom Yam Soup

Hmm,, this is indonesian salad with delicious peanut sauce

Soto Banjar

Soto Betawi
sure i don't eat beef,, i just eat chicken, duck, fish and other seafood,, so my mom always made me Soto Betawi without beef,, ^^

Chicken corn soup
I love this kind of Chicken corn soup,,

and i can't found a picture of Ayam Panggang bumbu merah like my Mom used to cooked me

Mom, Cooked Me Some Tom Yam please,,

I'm a spicy dish lover! Sour, hot, and salty! And today,, I'll send Tom Yam soup recipe to my Mom so when I back home next Mom will cook this dish for me,,

and here is the recipe:

Ingredients :

11/2 liters chicken stock or 3 chicken stock cubes in 11/2 liters boiling water
2 stalks lemongrass, thick bottom part only, outer leaves removed, sliced
4 to 6 bird's-eye chillies, sliced
3cm galangal root, thinly sliced
8 kaffir lime leaves, sliced
4 tablespoons fish sauce
12 to 16 fresh medium prawns (250g)
250g fresh or canned straw or button mushrooms
4 tablespoons freshly squeezed lime juice
1 tablespoons Roasted Chilli Paste (see below)

Roasted Chilli Paste
12 dried red chillies
5 whole shallots, unpeeled
8 cloves garlic, unpeeled
2 tablespoons dried shrimp paste
2 tablespoons dried prawns, soaked in warm water for 10 minutes to soften
2 tablespoons shaved palm sugar or dark brown sugar
2 tablespoons fish sauce
2 tablespoons tamarind juice
1 tablespoon oil

  1. To make the Roasted Chilli Paste, dry-fry the dried chillies in a wok or frying-pan over low heat until dark and fragrant, taking care not to burn. When cool, remove the stems from the chillies, discard the seeds and cut the chillies into lengths. Set aside.
  2. In the same pan, dry-fry the shallots and garlic over low heat until soft and blistered. This should take about 3 to 5 minutes. Set aside to cool. Peel and slice the garlic and shallots.
  3. Roast the shrimp paste over low flame using tongs or aluminium foil.
  4. Place the dried prawns into a mortar or blender and grind to a coarse powder. Add the chillies, garlic and shallots and grind until fine. Add the shrimp paste, palm sugar, fish sauce and tamarind juice and grind to a smooth paste.
  5. Heat the oil in a wok or skillet over medium heat. Add the chilli paste and stir-fry until deep brown and very fragrant. This makes about 125ml of paste. When cool, the paste can be stored in a tightly sealed container in the fridge for 3 to 5 days.
  6. To make the soup, bring the chicken stock to a boil in a stockpot over high heat. Add the lemongrass, chillies, galangal and lime leaves and simmer for 1 to 2 minutes. Then add the fish sauce, prawns and mushrooms. Reduce heat to medium and gradually stir in the lime juice and Roasted Chilli Paste. Simmer for 2 to 3 minutes until the prawns turn pink, but do not overcook. Check seasoning, adding more fish sauce or lime juice for a hot and piquant soup. Serve immediately.
sounds so yummy,,, can't wait till I taste My Mom's Tom Yam,,
check out another asian dish recipe on asianfood

Friday, October 9, 2009

Having a Great Day!!

My Mom said when we thought negative about something sure it will be something negative. On Wednesday morning I said that they would be a lil hard day,, and like what I said,, it had been such a hard day,, On the Thursday morning,, i said i would have a great day and sure it was a great day..

Firstly, I'm only having one class MBM with a great lecture. Then,, I have a break-lunch(breakfast +lunch) at Psychology canteen then we were(Me, Acil, and Yulvi) walking around Jatinangor from campus to Jatos. Tiringly but we have fum so much.

I bought some veil,, include an animal printed silk veil. I really fall in love with that veil. And I plan for using that veil to campus on Saturday.. can't wait!!!

And this is a picture that I took on Thursday before we were walking around